100 Day Challenge 2 | Contortion Flexibility | Day 1

Amanda Nicole Smith100 Day Contortion Challenge 2, Fitness, Flexibility, Series Intro Leave a Comment

Let The Flexibility Challenge begin! I am ready for progress towards contortion flexibility for pole dancing. I do it all for the pole! Just kidding, I do it for me too.

Flexibility training is a lot like strength training. I use so many muscles in my back to be able to grab my foot like that! So let the flexibility and strength training begin!

Today I drank 1 quart of nettles infusion, 1 quart of a custom herbal blend specifically for soothing the nerves, 3 quarts of water, and I mixed Healthforce’s “Warrior Greens” and “Earth“. They are filled with everything you could ever want and need. Just to name a little bit of what’s included in the warrior greens alone, nettle leaf, holy basil, parsley, chickweed, spiraling, protease, lactobacillus, and so on. I also ate a huge bowl of greens and my favorite Indian curry dish made with every root vegetable known to man, lentils and rice. Yum. 

After 2 hours of stretching today, I am feeling really good!

I was also sure to follow my spring mind body detox tips and immune boosting habits

Join The Flexibility Challenge

100 Day Flexibility Challenge | Split Backbend | Day 1

How To Do The Flexibility / Contortion Challenge

  1. Join The Flexibility Challenge community and everything will be laid out for you. You could also participate without the community, but being apart of a community dedicated to the same goal is empowering to say the least!
  2. Set 5-10 goals.
  3. Get Inspired! Look at photos, videos, take classes or find your own inspiration.
  4. Start Stretching! Starting with #day1
  5. Take photos of where you are at now in various stretching poses.
  6. Keep on improving and take more photos. I would say take at least 1 photo a week if not more.
  7. Share them on the community page, or on social media with everyone, to inspire more people to gain the flexibility they have always wanted!


If you decide not to join the community, here are some tips to get you started!

  • Make at least 5 stretching goals.
  • Always make sure you are stretching safe and practicing good technique, get a professional coach if you are a beginner.
  • Always warm up before you attempt any stretch.
  • Add dynamic or active stretching to your routine to prevent injury.
  • Make 2 pinterest boards, 1 for pining inspiring photos and videos and 1 for pining your accomplishments.
  • Use the appropriate hashtags #theflexibilitychallenge #100daycontortionchallenge #100daychallenge #flexibility #day1, #day2, #day3, etc. 
  • Keep motivated by keeping inspired and know you are inspiring others.
  • Eat a bunch of raw fruits and veggies to fuel your body and to recover faster.
  • You can also follow these immune boosting habits and spring detox tips.

100 Day Flexibility Challenge | Backbend | Day 1


Join The Flexibility Challenge


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