First off I want to say how thankful I am for you taking your time to read my blog. This will be what I hope to be a wonderful resource for inspiration and motivation. As well as a tool for people looking to purify their life with living, raw, vegan foods and fitness.
I have been eating and living pure for about 3 years. My incredible partner Dominick has been with me every step of this journey and together we have made a lifestyle that works for us. We just opened a new chapter in our lives, we moved halfway across the country from Kansas City, MO to Washington, DC where we are challenging ourselves to grow and learn in a new environment.
With the start of a new chapter in life comes a new place where I can share my journey with you. This journey will divulge into the essentials of living a healthy purified lifestyle. The main topics will include tasty recipes, fun exercises, beauty recipes, shopping tips, meal plan tips, product reviews, resources, events and more.
Most of the recipes you will find will be living, raw and/or vegan. You can also expect to see a lot of fermented/cultured recipes like cultured cashew cheese, pickles, root beer and other probiotic rich goodies. I love having a science experiment in the kitchen, it’s really interesting to watch the process! I will also dig into sprouting seeds, nuts, berries etc. to make delicious cereal, bagels, crackers, bread and much more.
But before we get into the world of fermenting and sprouting I’d like to first cover some of the basics of raw food in the first couple of series.
My lifestyle also contains a lot of physical activity from aerial acrobatics, especially pole dancing and flexibility. I teach fitness classes here in DC and also online. Aside from teaching classes in the studio, I am very fond of working out in nature so you’ll definitely see me climbing trees and using nature as my jungle gym; you’ll probably see me dancing pretty much anywhere.
Fitness doesn’t have to be so routine and boring, I’m hoping I can get more people to dance on trees and hang upside down from a branch. Or of course you could always sign up for a pole dancing class instead!
I’m very passionate about a purified lifestyle because it has helped me heal in so many ways. Sickness was my past, health is my present and future. Anyone can obtain and maintain health with the right habits.
I love hearing from you so please leave a comment and let me know what habits your ideal lifestyle would consist of or anything else you’d like to add!
Happy Pure Living!